Record cleaner recs?

OK, so I've made the mistake of jumping back into vinyl. It only took me a week to stop being bothered by clicks and pops. I'm also finding more vinyl available than I ever thought I would. (in addition to the nearly 1000 stored in the closet) At this time I'm looking for a record cleaner. Since I only spent $500 on my TT I initially went cheap and got the Allsop Orbitrac. Not bad, but certainly not great. I understand Disc Doctor has manual cleaning system that is supposedly pretty good, but now I'm considering the Disc Doctor II that I saw on Audio Advisor. As I keep looking, the VPI 16.5 sounds intruiging. I'm not sure I can justify spending as much for a cleaner as I did for my turntable. I'd like to get some ideas as to what most people are using to clean their albums with. (at least those with more modest systems). Is there really that much of a difference in the vacuum models? Any input would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

I'm a big fan of the VPI 16.5, which I bought a number of years ago when I got back into vinyl. It works well, and I think it's worth the extra money over the less expensive cleaners. And Albert is right, prepare to be amazed.