Recommended SET amp and speakers to 20k

Hello:  I am in the market for a SET amp, 2A3, 300b or 845, i haven’t decided yet and speakers to complement them.  My budget is 20k for both, used is fine.  If anyone has some recommendations/comments that would be very helpful.  Thanks,  Bruce

Showing 2 responses by essrand

Luxman MQ-300 (on audiogon, 15k-ish) + Devore O/96 (available for around 7k on usaudiomart, grab it before it goes). Should come to around 20k. Probably will be the best SET/speaker combo in the planet. Cannot get better than this.
Have heard both of them, and some of the best SETs around when I was looking for a 300b amp, Luxman MQ-300 is out of this world.
Sorry, my previous post felt like a pronouncement of the best combo ever. It was just the excitement speaking :) I will add the disclaimer  by saying: IMHO if I had 20K that's what I would do. Cheers!