Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
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Showing 1 response by soix

Since you're using the Oppo as a source, I'd recommend looking into getting that modded.  For something like $500 to $800 you can transform an already good player to a much higher level.  Someone like Ric Schultz at gets consistently glowing reviews for the results he gets from his Oppo mods, if he's still modding the 205.  But there are other good mods out there although I'd hurry because they're likely fading fast with the demise of Oppo.  For the relatively low cost outlay and considerable improvements to be had I think this is a no brainer.  Just a thought, and congrats on building a nice HT setup.