Recommended Power Amps For Focal Sopra 2 Towers. $10K Budget. GO

Hi Everyone!  I was lucky enough to recently purchase a brand new set of Focal Sopra 2's in Light Oak. My next upgrade will likely be new power amps. Please see below, i'd love to hear some of your thoughts!

1. I listen to   60% Music / 40% Home Theater 

2. Current setup is: Processor= Anthem AVM-60 Power Amps= Emotiva Gen 1 XPA-1 Monoblocks X 3

3. $10-12K budget (new or used) Give or take.

4. I'm coming from a pair of Paradigm Studio 100 V.3's that I have enjoyed for roughly 10 years now. 

5. I want to make sure these SOPRAs get the proper amount of power. I do not want to feel as if I chose a under powered amp as I sometimes like to listen quite loud.

* The Sopras are currently sitting in my office waiting for my custom entertainment system to be built, so I have not heard them hooked up to my current Emotiva Monoblocks as of yet, i'm just assuming this class of speaker should likely be powered by a different class of amplifiers? Thoughts?


Any and all info would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks All!



Showing 1 response by tweak1

I think you will be blown away at the sound/dollar if you get the LSA Voyager GaN 350 (dual mono). MSRP $3000, but selling new at $2500! I replaced a 2+Xs the wpc EVS 1200 (dual mono). Not only is the Voyager a more complete sounding amp, it sounds significantly more powerful. Use the rest of the money saved  on PLC (I use Core Power 1800), cables, vibration control (I use Nobsound springs: there is a very informative thread on AGon)


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