Recommended loudspeaker cable for my Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage?

Guys, it happened that I found myself with old Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage speakers, Audiolab8000 amp set (Q plus 2xM) and MIT MH-750 speaker cables. Although I plan to replace amplifier a bit later, now I decided to start from selecting the proper cable to match my speakers, mainly because my old MIT's are too heavy and rigid (and probably not right at all for Guarneri speakers).
I would appreciate any recommendations on the best fit loudspeaker cable in my current setup, also being universal enough for further amplifier upgrade. Expected cable price range up to 5000 USD. Thank you all!

Showing 2 responses by daveyf

GH’s are the main part of my system. IME, there are very few, if any, stand mount speakers that can compete with them. They are like a fine lens on a camera, everything that you change will be revealed.
I would recommend the best tube amp you can afford, GH’s love tubes..and cabling that is fast and resolving. Nordost is my current favorite in this regard.