Recommended Hi end dealer

Looking for recommendations on a high end dealer. I am in the market for a pair of speakers. Budget is an excessive $70k but i did a deal with the wife and have had some lucky breaks. Had been looking at the Von Schweikert VR9 but I wont pay the full price thats wanted for them. At this time I'm starting the process over. Looking for folks recommendations on dealers whom have been good to work with.

thx Rumney
I second the recommendation of Jtinn! If there's one thing that Jtinn does well, it's finding something that will to maximize your budget! Okay fine, that's a lie. I meant over your budget :D
Jtinn asked full MSRP for the VR9 which is too much. So I'm moving in other directions.
Your budget is amazing, you are double blessed to have such an understanding wife. There is a dealer in the PA area who does mail order as well. He is a dealer for Von Schweikert. Stephen Monte of Quest for Sound. He is a really nice and easy guy to deal with. Even is you should decide to go with another dealer, give Stephen a call, he will not steer you wrong and can give you alot of insight and information. Lot of fun to talk too. You may see his ads on Audiogon. I purchased my VSA VR4JR's from there. With Quest you may well have enough funds left over to take that wife of yours on a nice vacation as well.
Greetings from we are a new dealer located five min. outside of Manhatten. We have a setup with the Dali Megaline's and a outboard subwoofer which is mind blowing, and will outperform most setups including the Big JM Labs and Wilsons.

If you want to get off the merry go around and get amazing sound for the right money.