Recommendations please!

So I am flirting with getting a new (at least to me) preamp.  I currently run an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A with the MC phono boards.  It's a great preamp that I have been using for maybe ten years, and heartily recommend it to others.  I have thoroughly enjoyed it -- except for the lack of remote.  I am getting to find it tedious to get up to mute it or adjust volume every time I need to do so.  And at ten years of use, it's about the oldest piece in my system, so a change just for the heck of it wouldn't be unwelcome.

I need plenty of inputs (Phono, DAC, CDP, tuner, a couple of aux (for more phono!), and would like both phono section and balance control/dual mono (the Mod 3A is dual mono).  Obviously, a remote.  Amp is a recently upgraded MacCormack DNA-1.  I want something that will sound at least as good as what I have now.  Used is possible, but I'm not interested in vintage this time around.  I like, but don't necessarily require, tubes.  No need for balanced inputs.


Budget?  Let's keep it under $3K USD -- preferably WELL under.


Tall order, right?  That's why I've kept the AI Mod3A so long . . . 




Showing 2 responses by nymarty

I use a Schiit Freya + with an original McCormack DNA-1. It has a remote, lots of unbalanced and balanced inputs, and can run as a tube preamp with gain or as pure passive or as no gain solid state.  It’s pretty remarkable. Different tubes create different sound signature so tube rolling can completely change it.  Can you tell me more about your DNA-1 upgrade?  On my list of next upgrades is the power amp and wondering if it’s better to upgrade or change course to something else entirely.


@rnm4  Thanks!

@soix let me know what you think when you get it back. I’ve read here that many have done it and are very happy with results.  I’ve been guessing it would cost about $3K plus shipping etc.  there are some really good new and more recent used options at that price so have to give it more thought.  Thanks!