Recommendations for theater room processor and amp

Okay, I am building a new house and just blew my budget on a Raven Integrated Refection MK2 amp and Wilson Duette 2 speakers for my great room.  This means that my theater room has to pay the price for those two purchases.  I am going to buy the Tekton Pendragon theater speakers and subwoofers, and an Oppo 105D blue ray player.  I need recommendations for a good but budget friendly processor/receiver and amp for the Theater Room.  I am looking at Emotiva, Sunfire, Pioneer.  I want the receiver to able to stream music through the whole house.  That is a must.  Any suggestions?  I would like to stay under $5k for both if possible.  

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I will call you when you have plenty of time to talk.  I have now done a lot of research.  Also I need a subwoofer recommendation to go with my Wilson Duette 2.  Either JL Audio or SVS Ultra 13