Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 

Showing 4 responses by williewonka

+1 for the Bluesound

I purchased the PowerNode 2 for my TV system - Once I heard the quality, I went out and purchased the Node 2 for my audio system.

This summer I just purchased the Pulse Mini for outside music

The software is intuitive and comes on almost every platform - I have Android, Windows and a MAC all running perfectly. Updates on all three are fast and works every time.

Support is top notch and very knowledgeable - even to the point of recommending what setting on my router is required for the MAC - try getting that from Apple.

I installed quality cables on my Node 2 and it sounded so nice I sold my Schiit Bifrost DAC and ditched my computer interface - YES!!!

It supports the most popular streaming services, connects to my remote NAS drive with ease and has never let me down.

I do have issues with streaming 24/192 files wirelessly on the Pulse Mini - but that could be more to do with my router. No issues when using Ethernet for the TV and Audio system

Great company - great product - nicely finished

Regards - Steve

@bondmanp - I am very happy with the sound stage of the Node 2 - but you have to treat it to some great cables to maximize it.

The presentation is 3D and very large - it’s like being at the actual venue

Orchestral tracks offer the biggest sound stage, but having said that I have a solo violin album that transports me into the church where it was recorded - the walls of my room just melt away

I get a similar effect with Is this Love from Bob Marley - instruments are spaced much wider than my speakers and walls

With stock cables the image was not as spacious or as detailed and dynamic

My room is 16.5 x 40 x 7.5 - the speakers are 8 ft from the wall behind them and 4.5 ft from the side walls

Hope that helps
@pophaudio - all cables are my own DIY design see...

But if you want great commercial cables see...

I have reviewed most of their product line and they are the best commercial products I have tried

The problem with most other commercial cables is that they tend to use a very poor geometry (like slightly twisted pairs)  that actually results in RFI/EMI being into the conductors from within. Shielding does not protect against this.

To alleviate the issues of intra-cable RFI/EMI you need a more advanced geometry such as braid, Helix or that used by KLE Innovations.

As for the Vault - I have three Bluesound components and their fit and finish is exemplary - I see no reason to assume the internals would be any different

Hope that helps - Steve
@pophaudio - MY DIY journey started out of necessity - like many others  I did not like the price of cables that proved to be uninspiring.

Then I got into experimenting with different geometries and it grew from there.

Net result was the Helix cables - excellent performing cables for a fraction of the cost of the big names.

lalitk recommends RCA cables for digital - as it turns out the Helix RCA can also be used for Digital and they have outperformed digital specific cables from the commercial brands I have tried.

Food for thought?

Regards - steve