Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 

Showing 2 responses by koestner

One could also check out the SOtM SMS 200 Ultra at 1/2 cost of the Aurender N100h. Only thing is, it needs a good power supply and an external SSD.
You can get the Power Supply box from SOtM as well. It's $500 and plugs directly into the SMS 200 Ultra which is $1200. As for the SSD, well that's just an external hard drive that you can get anywhere that you put your music onto. People have said the SOtM sounds better than the Aurender, but I'm not making that claim, only that it's similar for $1,000 less.