Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

+1 for Bluesound.
I own the Node 1 and use my Ayre Codex as a DAC.
Works beautifully and you can have them run throughout the house for wireless connectivity.
For the money, Spotify would be my choice. I am trying Tidal again, but find it a bit limited when listening to anything but contemporary music.
I concur with 2psyop, the Bluesound is an incredible value.
If you couple the Bluesound with an Ayre Codex, or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy, you will be spending a reasonable amount of money and getting a killer combo.