Recommendations for music network player

Hi. I'm never in digital and I'm very septic. I'm using Mac mini. Any suggestions for any thinking better sounding than Mac , I do own dac , but would be great to hook up to music player cd ripping device. Thanks for response if any 

Showing 4 responses by bondmanp

2psyop - I am still on the fence about the Node 2.  I may soon have enough credit card points to get one, but some of the reviews have criticized the Node 2's sound stage as too narrow and not deep in comparison to somewhat more expensive DACs.  Care to comment on that?  Thanks.

Thanks guys!  I was actually thinking of the Node 2 as a first step, to be followed by the addition of an ifi iDSD Black Label DAC (which I can get an employee discount on through a family member).

But, since it my current DAC only goes to 96/24, I expect I might be using the Node 2's DAC for a while until I could afford the ifi DAC.  However, my current DAC is pretty good - a highly moded Beresford DAC called the Superberry, by K-Works.  One of the things I like about it is that it has a really wide soundstage, although the depth is a little lacking.  That's why I asked specifically about the Node 2 DAC's soundstage characteristics.  Can anyone comment specifically on that for me?  It's really the only area some of the reviews (none from Bo) criticized.


woodsart - Thanks for posting.  BTW, I have heard your amp and it is one of my favorites. 
@koestner   Some retailer of the SOtM should offer a package that includes everything needed.  For us tech-illiterates, the thought of having to put all this together ourselves is intimidating.  I mean, what if we get it wrong?