Recommendations for HDMI cables specifically for audio quality

I want to replace the analogue cables from my OPPO Blu ray 203 to a Denon AVC X8500 with an HDMI cable and improve or equal the SQ. Suggestions would be welcome. I have checked previous posts and most of them are a few years old now and an update may be required Please and Thank you

Showing 5 responses by agisthos

The Mapleshade Vivlink v3 Plus will leave almost all competing HDMI cables in the dust for only $240 USD. Look up who the engineer was that designed it.

The only negative is the fragile construction, like all Mapleshade products (this is by design).

Its also improves HDMI video quality to a noticeable degree.

@soix I agree and wished they did a 1m. I asked them multiple times about this and they insisted they will only do 2m.

But according to @auxinput he says to not get under 2m, and he seems to have done a lot of testing of these cables.

The Mapleshade Vivlink 3 Plus is also the only HDMI cable to bring what I consider a noticeable improvement in video quality (even on gaming consoles, not just blu-ray), something that is non-existent or very subtle in other high end HDMI cables. But opening that pandoras box is a troll fest, lets talk about audio performance, and consider gains on the video side, if any, are just a bonus.

That being said, anytime somebody says something like this, I have to bite my tongue on my response.


Continue biting your tongue! The Mapleshade cable is not like the Nordost or Wireworld, where things get better simply due to larger gauge wires.

It just a different topology and type of cable. Its WAY better than the Blue Heaven & Heimdall 2, and the Wireworld Starlight and Platinum Starlight, and a host of ’Brits’ HDMI cables I had, i.e CHORD, QED. Atlas e.t.c

Suspend your bias about wire gauge and try it out. Its certainly cheap enough. Designed by Pierre Sprey, AKA father of the F-16 Falcon and A10 Thunderbolt.


Have you actually compared these cables side by side in your own system? I would not take the word of the manufacturer on statements like this.

Anyways, I’m happy with my cables. HDMI cables is not the only cable I have tested with, so I don’t feel any need to go out and chase this Mapleshade invention.


I have owned all these HDMI cables I listed, plus many many others, and all 3 versions of the Vivlink, and compared them all in my system and especially on my ISF calibrated OLED tv’s, in a totally obsessive OCD manner.

I also have a custom Oppo blu-ray transport with LPS power supply, and main board clock upgrades, with the clock itself powered by its own separate super regulated power supply (each upgrade which improves video quality and digital spdif output quality).

So don’t bother implying I am just going by the statements of manufacturer’s. I speak from experience.

But you seem to have made up your mind on this, your loss.