Recommendations for CL rated speaker cable

Hi, started this thread here in Cables forum and didn't get any bites. Started it over on the AVS Forum site in Monitor Audio thread and got my head bitten off. Wondering if you have any advice on really good CL rated wires for 21ft/7m runs to Monitor Audio Apex speakers?

Here is the original post, will be upgrading CDP or DAC soon.

Any advice on specific wire selections appreciated. Really not interested in debating virtues of zip wire versus exotic cables, I believe well designed wire is worth buying, and you are not going to change my mind in this thread. Just looking for some good ideas for CL rated cables for under a grand. Thanks in advance.

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Showing 2 responses by knownothing

Well, this is helpful actually. My house is new and I had to have the low voltage wires inspected as well as the AC lines before closing the walls. I think it has to do with fumes or flammability in a fire rather than electrical fire hazard of low voltage wire per say. I could check with inspectors and more importantly insurance carrier before constraining choices to CL. Helpful because would like to try Kimber 8TC which is not CL rated, but many other choices as you suggest.

Ps- I use a couple of Blue Jeans sub cables and have heard their speaker cables and interconnects. Nice products for the money. I actually live in Seattle and have picked up wires at their warehouse and got tour. kn
Thanks all for the input.

Internetmin, I am currently using AQ Flex 14/4 and AQ Type 4 (see link to original post on Agon "cables" forum for info on the HT/music system in question.) I really like the 14/4 cables too and have used them in several other applications, but think the Type 4's offer more detail, why I am broadening search to better match them.

Zd542, yeah I am considering AQ Type 8 wire, I think it is or was available in CL rated bulk, not cheap but much less than what Kimber TC8 is going for these days. I also think Type 8 would be a better match for the Type 4 wire currently running to my surrounds which is there to stay until I rip the walls and ceiling out.