Recommendations for Balanced Interconnect...

I'm looking for a balanced interconnect to run between my Electrocompaniet EC-1up CD player and my preamp, which is currently a BAT VK30 (soon to be an Aesthetix Janus). Both preamps run in both balanced and single-ended modes. Want to make the most of the pre! Price range: used, no more than $300. Sonics desired: detailed but somewhat warm, definitely not aggressive.

Amps currently in use include Odysee Stratos Dual Mono and Quicksilver "Triode" monoblocks. Speakers include Proac 2.5's and Quad 988's. System not yet locked in on either account. Thanks for good advise!!!
Hi. what length do you need?? If it is 1/2 meter I would say AudioQuest Anaconda, a 1/2 meter can be had for around 300.00 or so. This is a great cable and will give you all the detail you want and more and will not be aggressive at all. I know that you max is around 300.00 and others have given you VERY good choices in the couple hundred $$ range but if you can fit a 1/2 meter for the used price you will fall in love with this cable IMHO. Best Regards.
Well, I have a pair of Musiclink Plus MM's and a pair of XLO Signature 2's coming. I'll try them out with my current setup, and when I get the Aesthetix, and provide some feedback here. Thanks all for your suggestions.
Go with Virtual Dynamics, they will change your whole system! Soundstage, detail, bass, mids, highs, unreal sounding cables! I have tried a more cables than I can remember, and nothing sounded as good as these. If you can afford the "Nite" series you will never look for another cable!
Magnan Vi is a great cable, it goes with almost any CD to Pre. I am looking for a signiture series, anyone got one to spare ( XLR type )
Not sure on its current price, but try out Audioquest balanced Diamond interconnect.