Recommendations for a CD Recorder

I am considering buying a CD recorder. Does anyone have any thoughts on a good choice? I have read a lot about Philips and a lack of reliability on Are the recorders on the market basically the same for recording purposes? I do not need the recorder for playing CDs. I need it just for burning CDs.

Showing 1 response by jayboard

Hi, Mchd1. There have been fairly extensive and helpful discussions in the not-too-distant past. Search the forums for "cd recorder" and you'll see many posts that will help you narrow down what you're looking for. I tried a two-well consumer deck but returned it and switched to a Tascam single-well pro deck -- but that's just my particular situation. My general take is that CD-to-CD recording quality is excellent on most decks out there, so you just need to worry about features, price and reliability. If quality analog-to-CD recording is important, you may want to be more selective. Again, the old threads make a great start.