Recommendation for stands - Spendor S3/5s

Recently acquired a pair of these beautiful little monitors & need to find good stands. Most seem to come in 24" height but I need 26" due to my height & the chair I use. Please indicate online site to purchase your recommendation as there are no good stores where I live.

Many thanks,


Showing 1 response by sc53

I have had great luck w/Sound Anchor stands under various monitors and even floor-standing speakers that I have owned. Sound Anchors ( will take the measurements of your speakers and custom build to your exact needs, including whatever height you choose. Ask them to put Audiopoints on the stands for spikes, they are the best and they sometimes include them on some models of stands for no extra cost. Sound Anchors are black and heavy and may not suit your aesthetic tastes, go to their website and see if they appeal. I find them superb at bringing out the best in bass and resolution of monitor speakers.