Recommendation for replacement of Freya +

In one of my systems, it does double duty of 2 channel and HT. I have a Lexicon RV-6 for HT and then I was using my Freya + for 2 channel. The main issue is that I use the same speakers for both systems so I use Home Theater Bypass. The Freya doesn’t have what I would call a true version and you have to turn the volume control all the way up on the Freya to get the full signal in bypass.

I get a nasty hum once it’s turned all the way up and it’s driving me mad!

Looking for a replacement pre-amp that has HT bypass, a remote, and balanced input and output for around $1k used. I’ve seen Parasound P6, Emotiva XSP for around that price but looking for other options.

Greatly appreciate any input or recommendations.



Showing 1 response by fuzztone

Seperate speakers is my way. Then I don't have to worry about any nonsense. 

Good luck