recommendation for rca interconnect for deeper bass for dac to preamp


I use a synergistic research galileo rca cable from my preamp to the phono but need another rca cable from preamp to digital.  

the combination of my battery preamp and  chord hugo 2 battery dac is incredibly transparent and great PRAT.  I am thinking a rca interconnect between the two that is known for a strong bass (copper?) would be ideal.  I wish I could use the galileo rca for that too but its a pain to keep switching it from phono to digital player and its too pricey to buy another one (especially since play 80 percent vinyl).

Any suggestion for a used rca IC for under 1K used?




Showing 4 responses by audio2design

You have a choice. You can either buy another cable, or 2, or 3, or 10, and somewhere convince yourself along the way that the bass is better, maybe you will throw in a cable elevator, or something, and sure, for a day, a week, a month you will be convinced it is ... till it is not.

If you don't have deep / full bass, then cable is not the problem. Period. End of story. What we are talking here is a change that is orders of magnitude beyond what a cable will ever do.  Take your pick:  Amplifier/Speaker issue (possibly, but lowest probability), Your speakers/system just are not up to the task (quite likely), Your speakers and the room as a whole are not up to the task (also likely).

You are looking for an easy solution to a problem, as opposed to facing the problem and fixing it. You are not alone. It is a common affliction amongst audiophiles.

17 awg, and high inductance --- not a great target for a cable, but they sure are purdy!
All the twist does is make the wires farther apart (higher inductance) and make the wire effectively longer (higher resistance).

Expect the oil would not do a lot. Already have air around it.
Vinyl (PVC) is the vast majority of wire made. Most plastics are a nightmare to make.