Recommendation for phono stage

I would appreciate some advice on a good phonostage as I have a well tempered turntable with an Ortofon cadenza black cartridge. some additional comments on adjusting load impedance as I understand that is important. Budget is $5000 


Showing 1 response by lewm

Inna's remark that Sutherland phono stages tend to have a high output impedance caught my eye because as a rule solid state gear have a low output impedance.  We can define "high output impedance" for SS as anything greater than 1000 ohms.  (For tube gear, 1000 ohms or higher is not so unusual.) With an output Z of 1000 ohms, you can still drive an amplifier with an input impedance of 20K ohms, which is on the lower end as amplifiers go.  John Atkinson tested the Sutherland Duo and published in Stereophile that it has an output Z of 199 ohms "at all audio frequencies".  The Duo is one of Sutherland's best units, so maybe some others of their phono stages have a high output Z, but I don't know which one. Anyway, if the output Z is in similar territory to the Duo, any Sutherland phono stage should be able to drive anything.  Inna and I had a contretemps in his thread on DD vs BD TTs.  I feel bad about maybe being antagonistic in that context, and I apologize if I came off that way. This post is only to correct an issue related to Sutherland, not to bait Inna.