Recommendation for marching, war classical music.

I love to listen to fast, glory marching classical music.
I only love to listen but have no knowledge of who? what? CD or LP to look for. I know there is plenty of Russian marching music during the war. French?
Please give me some titles to look for.

Thank you very much.
Beethoven - "Wellington's Victory"
Tchaikovsky - "1812 Overture"
Prokofiev - "Lt. Keji"
Before i saw Godivaa, I could have swear this thread was initiated by Nrchy (A-gon Rambo)
Don't forget J.P. Sousa's "Liberty Bell March," which is the theme song for Monty Python's Flying Circus! The first few notes always produce a very silly grin on one's visage!
Here is the URL to Schwann

Best of luck in your search. You may want to try this URL as well.
Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops made a few March albums on RCA back in the late 50's and early 60's. Fiedler was noted for both his love of Marches and Waltz music, yin and yang. You'll find Sousa, Wagner, Verdi and all the great march pieces on his albums. I enjoy this music immensely as well, reminds me of my youth playing in a marching band in parades. What is more exilerating than experiencing a great marching band playing a Sousa march?
I echo Aceto - Get some War Pipes, ala the Marching tunes in Braveheart - that should get your blood up. Ever wonder why bagpipers always march? To get away from the music.
Frederick Fennel has spent his entire life in this genre of music and has done an exemplary job of recording and preserving this music. I would get the Schwanns Catalog and see what is available. You can also look him up on the web.
There are some good CD's of military / march music (particularly John Philip Sousa) that were recorded on the Mercury label in the late 1950's and early 1960's. You should also look for recordings by the United States Marine Corps Band ("The President's Own"), which IMO is the finest military band in the world.
Scottish Rant - The World Champion City of Washington Pipe Band, on Maggie's Music (MM223) will decalcify Braveheart's spine. Katie bar the door!
Godivaa, get the CD (or LP) "Macho Marches" (yes, well, the copy editor was on a testosterone high that day) on Telarc with Frederic Fennell conducting. Also, there are some awesome march discs that were made by the former Soviet Army Band. I believe they were issued here on LP by Angel. You won't want to go to war but, for sure, you'll go to the fridge for more icecream!

Unfortunately, the only appropriate "War" music I can recommend are called, "Requiems." Plenty of them available from great composers throughout the centuries.

With best wishes.