Recommendation for analog set for $700

I am interested to try out the analog world and would like a recommendation to jump start my research.

I am using Almarro 318B and Zu Omen Def speakers. I think I need a turn table and a phono preamp. I am looking to spend around $700 on them? I can stretch it a bit, but really like to keep it under $1000.


Showing 5 responses by lowrider57

Do you have a HiFi shop nearby? They would be able to put together a package deal; TT, cart, and phono preamp.
If buying used, of course condition is important, but also consider the possible damage during shipping. ie: suspension TTs do not travel well.
Google Needle Doctor. It's a good source to see what TTs are available for any budget.
You dont need to get a suspension table, there are plenty of set it and forget it TTs. The Rega RP1 and RP3 and Music Hall are sold ready to go with cart installed.
Speed is not a problem with these entry level tables. You would need to replace the belt after a few years and the speed is so close to spec that as a novice you would never perceive it as off-speed. You can see them at Needle Doctor, they also have a budget TT section.

*no affiliation
I'm not familiar with it, but from the photo it looks like it might need suspension adjustments...maybe someone else can answer this question. The PROJECT DEBUT CARBON looks like an easy to use TT.
The "plug and play" TTs have a flat base with a motor underneath and nothing to adjust once the tonearm has been set up.
The point I was making to you was TTs dont have to be a hassle. I have a Linn which needs constant care, but for a first table get something will still enjoy the vinyl experience.
Good advice from Chayro regarding not to buy vintage. A Rega P3 is a very good start, but only buy from a trusted source such as an original owner or dealer. Don't buy an Ebay special that has been passed around.
If you want to compare tables against the P3, consider a MUSIC HALL or PROJECT DEBUT CARBON as suggested earlier.