Recommendation for an HDMI cable under $200 for audio only

Need help choosing a decent HDMI cable under $200 to connect my Rivo+ digital transport to my Laiv Harmony DAC via I2S connectors. Thank you.


Showing 1 response by whart

If it follows the standard HDMI pinout, the DH Labs .5 meter is nice and not crazy money. Are you in the US? That will make a difference, at least in shipping. I found running the I2S, combined with a DDC, using comparatively inexpensive Chinese digital gear, resulted in a substantial improvement in SQ. I’m basically a vinyl guy, FWIW and my TT-arm-cartridge-phono stage is exponentially more costly and has been tuned over the years to yield some very lifelike sounds on a decent non-audiophile record. I only offer that to state my bias-- I’m pretty impressed with the results of what amounts to a modest digital front end. The LAIV looks like a lovely piece.