Recommendation for 3' USB cable from ultraRendu to Ayre DX-5 DSD

The ultraRendu with be on Ethernet provided by a Google MESH network and pass USB to the Ayre DX-5 DSD.  Files will be from Qobuz and Tidal, downloaded, or ripped via Roon.  Looking for recommendations for cables suitable for such a setup.


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I highly recommend the DH Labs Mirage USB cable.  I purchased it for a second system I have, but found it's so good, I now use it on my main system, instead of my Nordost Heimdall USB cable, which is 3x the cost.  I've done an a/b and they're very close, but I give the Mirage the edge.  It opens up the music more.  I also purchased a AES/EBU cable from them with similar results.
Another vote for Monoprice and specifically their Monolith USB.

See the Monolith USB report by Duster on Audio Asylum.

I found it delivered better sound than a very fine Oyaide d+ neo Class A USB that itself was favorably reviewed by Karl Schuster for The Absolute Sound.

Don’t let the ridiculously low price for the Monolith USB dissuade you from trying it.

Switched from a Audioquest carbon to a basic cable I had laying around and there was no descerable difference.    Still have the cheap cable in place.
do you currently have a usb cable already ?      if so, why not buy that same usb cable again ?