Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier

I'm at a point where I'd like to try a tube integrated amplifier.

I currently have a Luxman L-509x driving a pair of Audio Note AN-K/SPx SEs.

I use a Marantz SA-KI Ruby CD/SACD player and a Technics SL1200Mk2 and AT-33SA LOMC for sources.

I also use a Rythmik E15HP/PEQ3 subwoofer to fill in the bottom end.

I listen mostly to jazz, classic rock at low to mid-level volumes, and my budget would be around $4k-ish used or new.

So, I'd like to get some recommendations for an integrated that would pair well with the AN-Ks.  Subwoofer connection mandatory either pre-outs or compatible for speaker level connection.  Phono pre inputs for MC desired, but optional.

No hybrids, high power not needed. No headphones either.  A remote would be nice, but I could suffer without one.



Raven Audio provides a relatively inexpensive Integrated tube amp that provides 20 solid watts with a sub out which relieves the amp of needing to pump out those low frequencies, Some positives are 1) Texas based company 2) The owners take personal care of each customer with service. upgrades. and all things tubes. 3) This Raven Audio Blackhawk is reliable and tube novice friendly, While 20 watts seemed too little. "tube" watts are stubborn things, Once they grab ahold of your speakers it holds tight. No headphone jack. But let me just say, (listening now) the realism or human quality to vocals is stunning. Very satisfying unit   

Got my TT hooked up (Technics SL1200MK2, tonearm rewire/Cardas ICs, KAB tonearm damper, Isonoe feet, Audio Technica AT33Sa LOMC) up last week and have spent some time listening to some jazz LPs.

Wonderful sounding. I keep coming back to the feeling that the sonics are "relaxed" and "natural". I’ve yet to tax the OTO to see how loud it goes - no need so far as I can easily get room filling sound thru the AN-K’s. Very satisfying sound.

Audio research i/50 can be had used in your budget.

Margules 240i harder to find, but possibly similar price.

A Willsenton R8 will be cheaper even with tube rolling

if you are looking for transmitter tube integrateds (211s, 845s, 805s) you might find used Line Magnetic


I have a Line Magnetic 216ia and a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III in a second audio system. Both can be see on my systems page. The LM Audio is designed and made in China and it’s great. A transformer went out once, but my dealer sent it to an authorized repair facility here in the USA. No problem getting it fixed. Push pull design and it punches way above its output which is like 26-32 wattts per side. The Rogue is a beast and is closer to 100wpc. I really like them both but the Rogue is made in PA and I live in OH, therefore getting it serviced shouldn’t be an issue. My vote is for Rogue Audio. I put in Gold Lion reissue tubes and NOS Sylvania in the preamp section. Sounds very sweet, detailed, organic with sufficient bass. I think there are many companies making really good tube amps. ARC, Cary, Decware and others. I would look at the reputation of the service each one offers. That’s a big part of the overall process that often gets overlooked.