Recommend good satellite speakers?

Because of my living situation (efficiancy apartment, paper thin walls, lack of funds, etc.), I have been looking at some satellite speaker options. I really only need a pair for the time being. Something that will image well, and WON'T give me too much bass thump (the person living below me has already reported me for 8 noise violations in one month). Just something that will allow me to hear some nice detail on a wide variety of music, and will be able to handle other sources (PlayStation 2, digital cable, VCR, DVD, etc.) at least reasonably well. Now, I'm as anti-Bose as the next intelligent person, but I was wondering if there's something good along those same lines. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks so much for your help, everyone. I really appreciate all the options (and knowledge) I've gained from reading your responses to this thread.

Anyone have any thoughts on Spica TC-50/Kenergetic sub combination? Kids are moving back in,Quad ESL's have to go.What to do?
Assuming you want small speakers for a relatively small room, e.g. LS3/5a size, consider the Harbeth HL-P3ES/Monitor 20. The BBC is currently replacing a number of their LS3/5a's with the Monitor 20, which is just the "pro" version of the P3ES - that has got to be some kind of endorsement. They are the same height and width as the LS3/5a but an inch or so deeper. They sound pretty similar to the LS3/5as, but bass seems a bit deeper and tighter, the midrange is a bit less colored, and they are shielded so you can use them next to a computer monitor or TV without screwing up the color. There are actually three versions, the original HL-P3, which got a very favorable review in Stereophile about 10 years ago (felt to be better than the LS3/5a, and a review in Hi Fi News concurred), the P3ES, and the P3ES2. Knowing Harbeth, I would imagine that the sound pretty similar. You can occasionally find a used pair on sale for the same price or less than the LS3/5a. I've got both the LS3/5a (Harbeth version which won the recent shooout in Hi Fi News) and the HL-P3ES, which cost me less, and while I like both, I prefer the P3s.