Recommend CD Player with Volume Control

I have Magneplanar 3.6Rs and Classe CAM-350 monoblocks and am looking to add a CD player. Since this will be my only source, I am looking for a CD player that has volume control/variable output and I will bypass the preamp. 24 bit, HDCD, and upgradability are definite advantages. Any suggestions in the $2000 price range (new or used)?
Is it just my observation that Carl gets upset everytime someone doesnt agree w him about the CD50? I have a Wadia 850 and love it, but I know not everyone does/will so if there is a comment/review not favorable 2 it I dont get bent out of shape and defend it like its my wife. I have never heard the CD50 but I wouldnt doute its a great player based on the reviews I've read, but theres nothing out there that everyone will think is the BEST. Different strokes 4 different folks.
Thanks Dj, You hit the bullseye regarding Carl... BTW I also own an 850 and love it. I assume you have heard the fate of Wadia...not the news I was looking for.
See two other active threads concerning Wadia, but do not overreact! Things are changing...not going away. Wadia did not have any financial hardsdhip, but an internal group of employees has bought the Company and is going through a period of transition...Still great units and I would recommend even the discontinued 830 and 850 as great machines which do not break down, eliminate the pre-amp and associated interconnects from the chain, and offer fantastic sound quality. In the 2k range, look for a used Wadia 830ix and you'll have yourself a keeper!
I'm not bent out of shape, just challenged him to be what I said. Defending it like it was my wife? Get over yourself, dude.