Recommend an integrated amp for my Harbeth 40.1's

I'm considering simplifying my system (and banking some cash) by selling off my separates (Aesthetix Calypso pre & McIntosh MC 275 MK V) and replacing them with a solid state or hybrid integrated amp.

I don't want to spend over $2,500 and would love to find something for less if it performs well... maybe vintage? I want something that has a good support network in case I ever need repairs, so obscure/chinese brands are not being considered.

I hear good things about Luxman, Naim and Accuphase with Harbeth, but will need something with enough horsepower to control the Harbeth M-40.1's 12" woofer. Naim is intriguing, but I don't understand how it's connections work and I don't want to change my IC's and speaker cables.

Showing 3 responses by tom_hankins

These would all come close to your 2500.00 budget if bought used. BAT 300X, Luxman 505u. If you can stretch a little more. Mcintosh MA6900, or 7000. Luxman 509u.
If i was looking for an integrated to use with my 40.1s, it would most likely be one of these.
My results with using SS amps (Bryston 7Bsst) was the same. I quickly put the Manleys back in and now use the VTL's. Congrats on getting what works for you!