recommend a good computer and digital camera?

What do people here use for computers and digital cameras? I need to upgrade for surfing the audio sites and put up photos for my audio gear, of course.
I heard Gateway has quality problems and Dell nickel and dimes you on options. So I was looking at Hewlett-Packard. Is Compaq any good? Any other good brands?
I've been using the throwaway Kodaks on vacations and as much as I hate to get on the camera upgrade bandwagon, blurry photos with NO depth of field is getting too annoying.
For cameras, I've always liked Nikon. J&R sells the 4 mega pixel Coolpix 4300 for $399.99. It takes 8 good pic's or 293 low res pic's. 3x optical zoom sounds useful. Any thoughts on better brands?
And please, only nice people need respond. (sorry, I couldn't resist).
Jax2, your point is well taken. I should have said something like "Using a manual camera can teach a person a lot about lighting, etc..."

I am in absolute agreement with your statement regarding people who buy cameras, computers, audio equipment, bikes, cars, etc. loaded with features that are often mistakenly equated with better results (or that he/she, simply by association, will somehow be 'better'). The potential certainly may be there, but key is how the thing is used.

In the field of music, I've witnessed the following phenomenon more than once: A professional string player will buy an expensive instrument (even a good quality bow can easily cost five or six thousand dollars) which is clearly superior to the one they played previously. For a while, perhaps a few months, that player will sound 'better', but after a while they slowly slip back into old habits--the challenge and novelty of the new instrument has waned--and they end up sounding very much the same as they did before. Their only growth is in their debt.

Like computers and cameras, musical instruments are inanimate tools. Their real value is in their use.

Sorry Cdc (didn't you have a question a while back?) but some interesting issues have arisen. Then again, isn't that what can happen in forums...



"Huh? I don't understand."

You’re right. You don't understand!!! Up there you said:

""Not to judge PC users in genenral", but if one were new to computers and read this thread, he or she might conclude..."

"PC people = snobby, superior, grumpy, jealous, stiff and repressed."
"Mac people = fun, creative and helpful"

You’re not “new” to computers (it’s not likely that you understand others thinking mind, are you?)!!! So who the hell is JUDGING here???!!! It's like eating back what’s one just spitting out…

“I don't speak Vinamese. Maybe I need one of them Wintel Googlator Translators, LOL.”

No, you don't need to speak Vietnamese, cause I write in English. You need more …to translate LOL.

"That's cool and all, but what does this have to with taking, editing and posting pictures on the web? "

You've said it yourself!!! What’s all the “snobby”, “superior”, “fun”, “creative”, etc… has anything to do with “good computer” and “digital camera”?
I'm honored Vinamese that you chose me as your one and only thread response. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand that the posts here are in fun.

My advice to Cdc was that he could attain his goal no matter the platform or machine used. The rest of it was plain ol' Audiogon goofing around.

Your emotional [and incoherent] responses are giving credence to my Mac=Fun, PC=Boring joke. It's pretty obvious you don't fall in the fun category.

Lighten up dude. I think even your fellow PC user/expert Prpixel is wondering what's up with your rant. Prpixel's friendly and helpful nature has proved my humoristic stereotype wrong, but you're just reinforcing it.

BTW, I still don't understand what point you're trying to articulate, but you're emotions are coming in loud and clear.

Go get a massage or something, it'll make you happier. ;-)

I'm a prime example of the point you and Marco make. That's the main reason I've put a damper on the audio gear I'm buying this year.

I need to finish so much of what I started! LOL


Any thoughts on what your game plan might be? Mac or PC, I think you'll have fun!