"Huh? I don't understand."
You’re right. You don't understand!!! Up there you said:
""Not to judge PC users in genenral", but if one were new to computers and read this thread, he or she might conclude..."
"PC people = snobby, superior, grumpy, jealous, stiff and repressed."
"Mac people = fun, creative and helpful"
You’re not “new” to computers (it’s not likely that you understand others thinking mind, are you?)!!! So who the hell is JUDGING here???!!! It's like eating back what’s one just spitting out…
“I don't speak Vinamese. Maybe I need one of them Wintel Googlator Translators, LOL.”
No, you don't need to speak Vietnamese, cause I write in English. You need more …to translate LOL.
"That's cool and all, but what does this have to with taking, editing and posting pictures on the web? "
You've said it yourself!!! What’s all the “snobby”, “superior”, “fun”, “creative”, etc… has anything to do with “good computer” and “digital camera”?