recommend a good computer and digital camera?

What do people here use for computers and digital cameras? I need to upgrade for surfing the audio sites and put up photos for my audio gear, of course.
I heard Gateway has quality problems and Dell nickel and dimes you on options. So I was looking at Hewlett-Packard. Is Compaq any good? Any other good brands?
I've been using the throwaway Kodaks on vacations and as much as I hate to get on the camera upgrade bandwagon, blurry photos with NO depth of field is getting too annoying.
For cameras, I've always liked Nikon. J&R sells the 4 mega pixel Coolpix 4300 for $399.99. It takes 8 good pic's or 293 low res pic's. 3x optical zoom sounds useful. Any thoughts on better brands?
And please, only nice people need respond. (sorry, I couldn't resist).

Showing 13 responses by gunbei

I'll chime in although my views have some definite biases that are probably in the minority. I'm a digital retoucher and illustrator and make my living exclusively using Macintosh computers.

I realize that you're present goals are much simpler than that, but I have a sneaking suspicion that once you have a digital camea, computer and an inkjet printer your interest in image editing and the other fun things you can accomplish will grow.

If you think there's a remote chance of that happening I would encourage you to get a Mac. Apple invented the GUI, their machines look way cooler, apps like Photoshop are optimized to run in Apple OSX, it's my opinion that you'll be able to view and get better color with a Mac and its ColorSync features, and they are very plug and play. How about that for a run-on sentence?

If you don't think you'll need a suped up editing station how about an iMac or the portability of an iBook? All Macs come equipped with Firewire and USB connectivity which makes them a snap to connect to digital cameras, card readers and inkjet printers.

Ok, so I'm biased. Actually no matter what computer or operating system you choose, I think you'll have a lot of fun!

I own a 5 megapixel Olympus E20, but I think the 4 megapixel Canon S45 I use on vacations is much more what you're looking for. The E20 is about the size of a standard 35mm SLR film camera.

The S45 is small enough to put in a shirt pocket, and can be put into action in just a few seconds. It takes great pictures and has excellent tonal balance. I use a 256MB Simpletech compact flash card when empty is good for about 220+ pictures.

Make sure to buy an extra battery for your camera so you won't be caught with a dead camera when that beautiful Italian woman strolls past you in Santorini.

A media reader like the Simpletech compact flash/Smartmedia reader I use when connected to your computer will get all those neat pictures on your machine.

I see a lot of dark or overly flashed pictures posted on Audiogon. An image editing app like Photoshop is a good way to correct strong color casts, open up dark images and pull back highlights from being specular. Photoshop also has a good prepare for web module with export preview built into it that will allow you to make sure the images are the right size and look good even when compressed.

Just in case you ever decide to print out your images, consider the excellent line of Epson inkjet printers. I got turned on to them by a Dallas based photographer over 3 years ago. I use a 2000P and it beats the pants off of anything an offset printer can produce. There are lot's of good inkjets from Hewlitt Packard and Epson starting at $70!

I'm sure some professional shooters like Marco [Jax2] and Albert Porter will have some great recommendations.

Good luck and have a ball!
Who said he should spend $3000? I think I offered some options that were 1/2 to a 1/3 that price. You can get an iBook starting at $700, an iMac from around $1000, and an eMac for $800. Just check out

From Cdc's question I gathered that he might not have computer yet, so I offered up the Mac and its great, included software as an easy way to get the pictures from camera to website.

Cdc, as Albert Porter suggested, iPhoto which comes preinstalled on new Macs and is a great way to view and organize all your photos. You needn't buy the full professional version of Photoshop to manipulate, crop, color correct and resize your pictures. Adobe Photoshop Elements runs about 90 buckeroos and will probably do all that you want.

If you ever decide you want to make albums of your photos to share with friends or burn to DVD, Apple's new iLife is a $49 suite of mini apps that includes iPhoto, iDVD, iMovie and Garage Band. It's a great little package.

Boy, all you angry PC guys, what gives? If you read Cdc's original post he asked for nice people only. Notice how the PC guys like to brag about their Microsoft certification and de-bugging a C-whatever app. That's cool and all, but what does this have to with taking, editing and posting pictures on the web? At least a pro photog will have some helpful advice in this area.

Not to judge PC users in genenral, but if one were new to computers and read this thread, he or she might conclude...

Mac people = fun, creative and helpful

PC people = snobby, superior, grumpy, jealous, stiff and repressed.

Have fun Cdc researching computers and cameras like you would a new piece of audio gear for your system. As I said earlier, no matter the machine or that OS you end up with I'm sure you'll have lot's of fun.

Good luck!
Wait a minute Prpixel,

I remember that saying too. And I also remember when I thought color TV was a big deal!

When you've finished, I'll need to pry the Ginsu from your hand and use it too.

I think you're taking a good approach. If you get a cheap system now that accomplishes what you need and that's all you need, that's great. And, if after dabbling a bit with photo manipulation you decide this image editing thing is something you might want to explore, look into other options if and when that time arrives.

Gunbeidammit? Actually, I think that's what Marco [Jax2] was calling me some months ago, hahah. That, or he calls me the greenman.

Good luck and have fun, and let us know when you post the photos!

Ahh, so you already own a PC? If that's what you're familiar and comfortable with I see no reason you can't accomplish what you want with a similar Windows machine and operating system.

If you're curious about Macs and want to try them out in person, drop by an Apple Store if you have one close by. The eMac, iMac and iBook prices I mentioned all included a monitor. These were close out models all with ample amount of processor power to do what you want.

As people have mentioned before, megapixels don't insure a better picture. The lense and the CCD or charge coupled device which captures the image are probably more important. A 3 or 4 megapixel camera is probably all you need.

Check out these sites:

Also if you pin down a few models that interest you, check out the user reviews for these cameras at You'll find out what people think of them after they've been battle tested.

Prpixel, that website is pretty cool. I see you share the same surname, LOL! Thanks!
Huh? I don't understand. I don't speak Vinamese. Maybe I need one of them Wintel Googlator Translators, LOL.
I'm honored Vinamese that you chose me as your one and only thread response. I'm sorry you don't seem to understand that the posts here are in fun.

My advice to Cdc was that he could attain his goal no matter the platform or machine used. The rest of it was plain ol' Audiogon goofing around.

Your emotional [and incoherent] responses are giving credence to my Mac=Fun, PC=Boring joke. It's pretty obvious you don't fall in the fun category.

Lighten up dude. I think even your fellow PC user/expert Prpixel is wondering what's up with your rant. Prpixel's friendly and helpful nature has proved my humoristic stereotype wrong, but you're just reinforcing it.

BTW, I still don't understand what point you're trying to articulate, but you're emotions are coming in loud and clear.

Go get a massage or something, it'll make you happier. ;-)

I'm a prime example of the point you and Marco make. That's the main reason I've put a damper on the audio gear I'm buying this year.

I need to finish so much of what I started! LOL


Any thoughts on what your game plan might be? Mac or PC, I think you'll have fun!
Arghhh! You got me!

I could use a good massage as well. All these LOLs are giving me a backache, heheh.
Hey Vinamese,

I love massages! And I hear that you can get good ones in Little Vietnam in Westminster, CA just south of where I live. At least that's what my non-Vietnamese friends tell me.

Then again, my Vietnamese friends never seem to get massages either. They just like shooting guns, driving fast cars and going out with little White spinner rave chicks.

The gal that is in those Honda Pilot commercials gives me my massages. You know the commercials, the ones where the guy was raised by wolves.