I too was seeking an all-in-one solution that would give me the best of both CD and DVD and found that the Camelot Roundtable player was the best solution available at a relatively reasonable price. As far as I am concerned (and many others) it is the best sub-$10,000 DVD player available and offers an excellent audio section based largely on the acclaimed Uther DAC. It is a bit expensive, but worth every penny for the quality and versatility if you ask me. It is available in both the Mark I version, with 24/96 upsampling and the Mark II with improved 24/192 upsampling. Both sound and look great. Good luck with your hunt for a new player.
Recom. for a new CD/DVD?
I currently have a Sony DVP9000es and I am thinking og getting a new CD/DVD player. I only have the room for one so I need a great player that does both. I was thinking of possibly the Classe dvd1 or the Cary D3. I am currently using the Classe CA-151 amp and Classe ssp-25 pre/processor and B&W N804 with Purist audio colossus cables and Custom power cord power block and power cables.