Reco for a low power amp to try

I am just curious about the low powered (those 5W to 12W per channel) amps and how they sound.....
Don't know any retailer in my area that would lend me one for a weekend but if I was to just buy something here and in worst case re-sell here....what would you recommend for starters ?
Hopefully something under $2,000 at first I get a sense of what 5Watts sound like....

My main concern is that I do listen to lot of prog rock (ex;  Pink Floyd) and I do like to up the volume sometimes...

PS: If you happen to live in the NJ area and would be so kind to allow me to try one out - I would be so thankful

Showing 3 responses by mrdecibel

BTW, If a dealer will not do a loan, offer to rent it for a day. I have done it in the past.
To the OP. Reading some of your other threads and posts, it seems you change equipment often ( I am sorry ). Your Proacs are 89 db. You like Pink Floyd a bit loud ( although, probably not as loud as myself ). The Klipsch Heresys mentioned by the above posters are 10 db more efficient, so, do the math. If I were you, I would try to get a loaner, instead of making a purchase, unless, you are ok buying something, and maybe taking a loss on it if you decide to sell it because it is not what you want. I have no problem with smaller amplifiers, but they do need to match the speakers, the volume levels desired, the room layout and acoustics ( your 1/2 basement ), your listening distance to the speakers, and of course, the music being listened to, as stated by others. Enjoy ! MrD.