RECIEVER recommendations

I am in the market for a used reciever (2 channel) for a second system. I can spend up to $1200-1500. My speakers will be Nautilus 805's. They need 75-100 watts of power. I also like to listen to low power college stations, so FM sensitivity is a consideration. Any recommendations?

Showing 1 response by rob_techsupport1081

Please do NOT consider the Magnum Dynalab MD-208. You can do much, much better by getting one of the hot and integrateds such as the Naim Nait 5 plus a vintage Kenwood, Sansui or even a brand new NAD tuner.

I used to own an MD-208, not that good really.

The Magnum receiver was once rated class ''A'' in Stereophile...No way. This thing used to have a Sim Audio amplifier in it, of the economy Celeste line, nowhere near the premium parts of the Sim Audio i-5 integrated (and you can beat THAT easily for less money too). I hear the magnums now have a ,.'Magnum'' amplifier inside..hummm...don't know about that one, they are first and foremost a tuner manufacturer....