Receiver with no phono input: Solutions?

After some research and discussion, I'm going with the Pioneer Elite's well reviewed and recommended and it fits my bugdet for home theater, but doesn't completely fit my needs.

There's no phono input...and I've read about phono stages, but unfamiliar in their application.

Is this expensive? Is it practical? How does this sound?

I do plan on adding another amp to this system to power my studio 20's...can a secondary amp have a phono input? If so is this the best option and what's available for around $500-$600...and I don't mind purchasing used.

I admit, I'm new to all this and don't really have a clue, but I'm trying to learn from the knowledgable people on this site. I'm trying to break into the high end audio and video arena and need some help. Thanks everyone.

Showing 1 response by celtic66

The inputs; tape, aux1, aux2, etc. or however they are labeled on the back should be all the same as far as impedence. A phono preamp does only two things differently than these imputs-

RIAA curve correction which means it corrects for a very non flat frequency response that a cartridge produces from vinyl.
The phono preamp will also ampliflies the ever so tiny signal that the cartridge produces.

The end game is that an external phono amplifier may with RCA plugs go into your input of choice and work fine.

Any corrections to this by other members would be welcomed.