Home theater specifically. My biggest complain is that either the dialogue is too low relative to the other sounds or vice versa. I can’t ever seem to get them both to be the proper relative volume.
@easytarget This is caused by the huge dynamic range of many multi-channel audio track mixes. It’s optimized for folks who want "lifelike" whiz-bang effects at loud SPL. It’s NOT great if you’re trying to get strong, audible dialog without popping your eardrums when Godzilla shows up. It also forces you to push the volume up WAY higher than what you would expect, just to hear clear dialog.
Most processors/ receivers will have a setting for precisely this reason - to compensate for the benefit of dialog. Sometimes it’s called "dynamic range compression" (normally that has bad connotations, i.e. "CD’s loudness wars", but it can be very good here!). Sometimes it’s more wordy-mumbly like "make loud sounds less loud". You need to find that setting, and turn it on! In all likelihood, your speakers and amp are fine and will sound REALLY good once you rectify this. Sometimes just a simple 2ch downmix helps, but you should really look for this setting.
Personally, I hate it when a mix has TOO MUCH dynamic range, for exactly this reason. Most 2ch music formats have a much more reasonable mix for the home environment.