Receiver Too Weak?

Below is my setup. It just sounds lackluster and I'm wondering if it's my receiver or something else. I put some links in there so it's easy to find specs. 

Receiver: Yamaha RX-A770 (

Center: Bowers & Wilkins HTM62 (

Front: Bowers & Wilkins CM8 (



Showing 1 response by mswale

Sadly, I think you need more receiver, it's under 100w @ 2 ch, usually if you drive more channels the power will be even less. Your speakers have low sensitivity, so they need more power to sing. 

You didn't really say if it's music or movies that are the issue. If you are only running 3 speakers, or something else. 

Setting up a HT system is a ton of work, you have several speakers to place, a ton of wires to run, some of them are LONG runs. Setting all the individual speaker levels, each speaker crossover, subs, etc.....

It's a serious process that takes a lot of time, effort and skill. A good starting point is to measure out the listing room, place the speakers, measure them to the listing area, try to get them all square. Then run your room correction. Listen to it for a bit, adjust as needed. For the center speaker, try to keep in inline with the front L/R, make sure it is open to the room, no reflections on top or below. As in a shelf, or cabinet. If it is, pull it out, so the drivers are in front or at least flush with it. Is there a coffee table also in between you and the center? Move it, and see how it sounds, or put a blanket over it. Seriously it will sound very different. Then adjust all the levels to suit you. 

Than rinse and repeat. Different sources, different services sound so different. My HT receiver has a couple pre-set stores for settings, I adjust them a bit for the source. Like Netflix's usually needs more bass, and center ch. Amazon needs less bass, and center, also dynamic compensation. That is unless I want the room to shake. 

We didn't even get into cables, subs, room treatments, etc...

FWIW, I have a 9.4.2 setup, sadly I fiddle with it almost every time a movie starts.