Receiver +2ch pre on same speakers? Which one?

I'm looking to downgrade my ht setup to funnel funds to my 2 channel listening. I am currently using a a two channel preamp with a processor loop connected to a HT pre and three channel amp, using my music two channel amp in the process. Hope that makes sense...

Anyways the question is I want to downgrade to a receiver and sell of the HT separates, can I hook up my speakers to both the receiver and two channel amp? I would use the receiver when I watch a movie or tv etc and then turn it off to use my two channel amp when I want to use the stereo only. Is this possible? Any complcations or deteriotion in the sound?

And whil I have ou attention :-) , anyone recomend a good receiver for 500 for purely ht use, I don't need any good two channel performance as I have my big rig for that...Thanks for any advice!

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

I'm currently going through the same process. Downgrading HT to go back to stereo. I bought a stereo preamp with surround inputs (which you say you already have, right?). Then I just bought an inexpensive Denon receiver ($375). It has preamp outs, I'm going to run the F/R and F/L pre outs on the receiver into the surround L and R inputs on my preamp. This should allow me to use my mains as the front channels in HT. I say should, because the Denon doesn't arrive until tomorrow, 4/1.
You should be able to do the same thing with your processor loop. Just make sure you buy a receiver with preamp outputs.
That high end HT just became a nightmare for me. Stereo is so much easier, and 80% of my listening is 2 channel anyway. It became too expensive and counterproductive to try to go SOTA in 6 channels. I spent more time scrolling through menus and running test tones, than listening to music.
Good luck,

PS: The receiver I bought is a Denon AVR-1802.