Reasonable integrated amp for Magico A3

Hi guys,
I have just ordered for a Magico A3 and am waiting for arrival. I do have Naim Unity Nova and I think this might be good enough. I am trying to find out from forum here, who have (or even if they don't have), A3s, what integrated amps are being used and recommend. If Nova is not enough, I might considering switching to other integrated. Considering Esoteric F-05 or Pass labs 250 or Vitus R-101. 

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

The A3s are not as bright as other Magicos but they like power like other Magicos.

It is possible, even likely, that you will find the Nova too bright and lacking in power/control over bass.  

At the NY Audioshow in 2018, the A3s were launched using AVM gear.  I would look seriously at AVM as tonally it is in the goldilocks zone for these speakers.  Read the reviews of that room and the comments are you basically only heard the music and forgot about the equipment.  

For an integrated, the A5.2 or A6.2ME would be brilliant options.  The 5.2 comes with a DAC option which is very good for the money but externals are better.  Read the review in Positive Feedback by Gary Beard.  The A6.2ME is much better.  See very recent review in Stereophile by Herb Reichert.  These are high power amps that will handle the A3s with ease.  

Both are best with a neutral to forward DAC.  Something like an Audiobyte, Rockna Wavedream (Wavelight is too warm) or Chord TT2 would be a brilliant match with these.  If you go with or have a DAC that is too warm, you will have an issue.