Real world Loudspeakers what does very good cost ?

Having had many great speakers in the past ,but now semi retired what is the average price to get a quality speaker it seems around $15- $20k+. Is getting to be the norm , Wilson Sabrina x $20 k , Magic A3-$15 k , Marten Oscar trio $13 k

b&w 804 $15 k .I was maybe thinking , availability is now a very real problem also.I am a big MBL fan their entry level stand mount 126 ,is a true Best Buy ,it has the sameOmni directional Tweeter and Midrange , that are out of the reflections of a box , and dual apposing bass drivers ,that being said a pair ofsubs like theSVS 4000 SB brings this price to around $20 k . It’s becoming very expensive to have real refinedLoudspeakers , having had  to rebuild Xovers in most Loudspeakers for their lack of parts quality ,it seems integrity is no longer the norm it’s more on profit .  Please do offer your Loudspeaker options and how much more is truly needed to get a truly resolving speaker without taking out a mortgage.


Showing 2 responses by audioman58

Soix very true ,a nice used speaker can be good ,I did this with a older Dynaudio 

and totally upgraded the Xover ,which is the ❤️ or the 🧠 of the Loudspeaker .

the vast majority has a average or below Xover in quality , thestock Xover was maybe $250 in parts I spent $1500 the speaker is night and day better sounding .

I am always looking for a hidden gem . I heard the Marten Oscar Trio I thought very good under $14k very musical . I guess most speakers will have compromises 

matching your electronics too is equally important .

I have had single driver speakers with subs , Tannoy the only ones I liked were there top 2 Canterbury or Westminster ,

active speakers  the amplification too low quality not in the league of. Quality separate amps for example PassLabs , Ayre, Coda Gryphon ,

this is why  i guess I have to try audioning speakers to my electronics 

which too I am looking to purchase . Having owned a Audiostore fir almost 10 years 

on average onky 25% of the purchase onky goes into the speaker ,including packaging ,the rest R&D marketing and markup, value  I recently heard  the Marten Oscar trio for $13 k a very nicely balanced Loudspeakers , I like the MBZl 126 monitors which require subs for the bottom end are very good buyt 3-6 month waiting list ,and prepay up front I would never do that, not very sound , many Audiostores willnot let you demo speakers at your home ,brick and mortar stores are few and far between . If you want to spend over $20 k+ it’s much easier to find 

your optimum speaker for the Xovers as well as drivers and cabinets are far more 

engineered to a higher standard, that’s why I mentioned $20k