Real Stinkers

There was a recent thread about consecutive great albums by your favorite artists. How about turning it on it's head? What is the WORST album by your FAVORITE artist. The one where they REALLY stunk up the joint? The one that it pained you to listen to? The one where everybody went "What were they thinking?"

I'll start off, at the risk of picking a fight - Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboys by Elton John. Except for "Someone Saved My Life Tonight", I never really cared for the rest of the album.

Showing 3 responses by chadnliz

I will second St. Anger. Counting Crows folow up to "August and everything after" is funny in that everything after sorta really sucked!
I always felt the Stones were great because it was so simple and that has a place in music. I have never felt they were really special or some sort of rare talent, not with the writing or the playing but they made some timeless rock songs.
You can be simple, sort of unremarkable and still a huge star, and make some great music loved by millions in the bargain.