One of the things that I have noticed is the kind of music being played to show system performance.  Full disclosure I’m with Infigo Audio. But as an audiophile I think it is important to hear your music in these systems.  Which means non hi rez stuff.  Stuff you would listen to in your system at home. I try to play everything at shows to show our performance.  Some systems to me are all presentation not as much performance. I play funk rock pop classical jazz folk R&B as well as test track to show what a system can do across a genres.  I think it is important to show that a system can perform on all materials. Some systems look good in presentation and sound great on hi rez and test tracks but are not musical involving and may not actually perform well across genres. Thoughts ?


Showing 5 responses by calvinj

@rooze I definitely understand.  I try to play a mix of multiple recordings in our show room.  We hope people come and stay 15 to 20 minutes. In that time we try to play 4 different tracks and mix them up to give the listener a range. 

I asked because we played hi rez but we mixed in some funk, rock, jazz and classical. I think test tracks are fine but when you get it home you ain’t listening to Keith Don’t Go.  We listened to Bootsy, War, Human League etc.  I say this because it also seems like part of the question was also presentation vs. performance.  I know some brands push looks over actual performance. When buying it’s smthg to consider. 

96 and 192 material is hi rez. Or Dsd recordings as well.  I’m constantly doing shows with Infigo.  So the reason I asked. 

@deep_333 one of things I say is.  If I’m going to be listening to my favorite cd over and over and the system can’t execute it. Then I’m not going to spend the coin.  We are talking a lot of money on some of these systems. I play a mix of stuff so they can hear what they want then I play a great recording for reference.