I hear definite results, more so on frequently played but untreated CD's. than on brand new ones. Try doing it 3 times, once label up, then again label down and then again label up. Smoothed out the highs, and blackened the background in my system, acoustic instruments open up a tad, more bloom, but I agree it isn't a huge difference. My take on all these tweaks, is that they all add minor improvements, but when you start to pay attention to numerous details, adding good power cords and recepticals, cleaning wire connections, vibration control, demagnetising etc, the sum of ALL the tweaks becomes quite significant.
Reaction to : Bedini-Ultra Clarifier II
I Recently bought a Bedini Clarifier II ( dual-beam ) - heard all sorts of Great Reviews on it ( lowering the noise floor, hence - more detail and more Open soundstage/presentation ), so I purchased one! With what Little time I used it/listened to it - I Really HAVE NOT heard "Much" Difference ( may be a little ? ). Has Anyone else also Experienced that or am I just going "BATTY" ( and/or am I being SUCKED into the Audiophile Tweaking Domain )?? Is it Worth the $$ ?? Looking for Opinions/Feedback Please!!