Reaction to : Bedini-Ultra Clarifier II

I Recently bought a Bedini Clarifier II ( dual-beam ) - heard all sorts of Great Reviews on it ( lowering the noise floor, hence - more detail and more Open soundstage/presentation ), so I purchased one! With what Little time I used it/listened to it - I Really HAVE NOT heard "Much" Difference ( may be a little ? ). Has Anyone else also Experienced that or am I just going "BATTY" ( and/or am I being SUCKED into the Audiophile Tweaking Domain )?? Is it Worth the $$ ?? Looking for Opinions/Feedback Please!!

Showing 1 response by infinity_audio

This clarifier is to reduce statis by neuralizing the statis staus of your disc. Statis attracts dirts, dust and small pericles you dont see. Before you clarify your disc, clean the CDs with fresh running water down your tap, leave it out to dry. Use the clarfier afterwards, and the disc will then have a neutral statis status and attracks less particles in air. Perfect smooth surface of your disc can improve sound.

However, improvment is not UP FRONT RIGHT IN YOR FACE. It's subtle and for $50.00 used , you cant expect much.