RB1080 for 803D?

My current system consists of B&W 683's driven by Rotel RB1080 amp. Considering upgrading to the 803D's. Is the rotel enough amp to drive 803D's? Any first hand experience is greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by nrenter

...or, you could spit that $10k 60/40 (allocating either side to speakers, the rest to the amp) and crush both of your scenarios.

Believe what you want. Trust me, I understand your stance, as I once believed it myself. I was wrong.
The speakers are 90% of the equation.

Hmmmm...I'd have to respectfully disagree.

While I can't offer any specific advice (since I have no idea what comprises the rest of your system, nor what you are trying to accomplish other than spend money), I would say the jump from the 683's to the N803D's is pretty drastic (if not just for the dollar spent alone). You may want to think about your system as a whole and figure out exactly what you are not satisfied with.

Perhaps the real source of your dissatisfaction is that PS-3 you're using for a CD player, or the lap cord you're using as speaker cables. Just a guess.