RB-250 tonearm installation Systemdek iix

I am replacing the Profile tonearm on a Systemdek iix with a Rega RB-250. The RB-250 came with RCA connectors, the arm I removed had RCA connectors and a ground wire. Since the RB-250 does not have the external ground wire that the Profile arm had I'm guessing it does not need it. I have googled what I thought I was looking for and did not find any help. The TT has a ground from the chassis/board/lower panel to a stud on the back that has the lead to hook to my pre-amp but the tonearm itself does not have a lead. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
The JA Mitchell mod, the counterweight, for that arm, is the best. It puts that arm in another league. You definitely should try it.
Bdgregory: I made a few new arm boards and used the rega template to locate the mounting hole in one. Unfortunately when mounting the cartridge the white wire came loose which is actually a good thing because I'm sure it's condition would have caused problems. I now have a cardas kit on order ;-)
IIRC, the RB250 combines the arm ground wire to the left channel ground at the rubber block in the base of the arm.
my one experience with a RB250 was it played fine without a ground wire, but if you have a ground wire attached to the sub-chassis of the table you can try to connect it to your preamp ground. If you hear hum, I would disconnect it and see how it does. If you still have hum you may need to fix a ground wire to the base of the arm somehow (the easiest way would be a wire with an alligator clip).

Separate question - forgive my asking if you already know this - the Rega arm has different geometry than the profile. Did you get a correct arm board for it?