My 168 has NOS cryoed tubes Herbe tube dampeners, Morrow Audio MA 2 power cord and sits on Herbie isocones. This then sits on a sandwich of ERAudio Harmonizers with Machina Dynamica Promethean Springs. My last 2 players were Lector and Bluenote Stibbert. I prefer the 168
Raysonic 168 vs PrimaLuna Prologue 8
Has any fellow A'goners demoed these two CD Players.I would like to know the best of the best...
I have a Raysonic 168 now and would like to know if it would be worth the swap to the PrimaLuna 8 player..What are some of the differences??They are priced in the same range.
Your input is greatly appreicated...There are no dealers here in Arizona for me to demo a PrimaLuna.
I have a Raysonic 168 now and would like to know if it would be worth the swap to the PrimaLuna 8 player..What are some of the differences??They are priced in the same range.
Your input is greatly appreicated...There are no dealers here in Arizona for me to demo a PrimaLuna.