Rays Tubes

I stumbled on a new - to me - tube company; Ray's Tubes.

Has anyone had any experience with them?

I believe in the USA they are available via Apos website.




Showing 1 response by andynotadam

These are fantastic tubes. I use them in my BHK preamp (and in my recently sold Primaluna Dialogue Premiums run as monoblocks).

I have a large stash of NOS 12AU7s--Brimars, Teles, Radiotechnique, Cifte, Mullards and new production Gold Lions. 

The Apos RAY 12AU7s outperform them all, and come with a warranty and a trial period.

I have no affiliation or financial interest here.

These are the real deal and I'm about to begin selling off my very low hour NOS 12AU7 stash.

They are just that good...