Raven Soniquil Question

Does anyone have direct experience using the Raven Soniquil cables and interconnects?  My particular question is how 4 solid core 18ga will compare with the Belden 50T00 10ga that I am currently employing. I do not have the option of auditioning so any experience here will help. Speakers are Magnepan  and my amp is class A/B >60a
I am at the point where I am considering a matched loom of speaker,interconnects and power cord. They offer 45 day risk free trial and I would be interested in who may have tried them and still sent them back? If yes, why? Cheers.


Showing 1 response by samiam7965

I have Raven power cables, balanced inters, speaker cables, and RCA’s connecting Maggie 1.7i, REL 9/x, PS power amp and they sound as good or better than the base level Audio Quest connectors, power cables I started with and continue to use on my preamp and streamer.

improvements in soundstage was noticeable, but I can only go so far with the idea cables matter.  I still continue to buy Audio Quest portable DAC, TOS link, USB, HDMI, etc., because the are a great brand too.

good luck!