Raven Osprey with Spatial M3 Sapphires

I’m trying to find a suitable amp to drive my Spatial m3 Sapphires and was looking at the Raven Osprey as an option.
Will the 30 watts cut it and how will the 4 ohm load affect the amp? My room is 16x18 and I listen no louder than 85db max.  I listen to pretty much everything favoring Steely Dan, Fagen, SRV, Dire Straits, Blues, Jazz and some classical.
I would appreciate any expertise you might offer.

Showing 1 response by ozzy62

I had a Decware Torii II (25 watts/channel) and it wouldn't sufficiently drive Spatial Audio X3s. At least in my room to the levels that I like.

That said, your room is smaller and you listen at lower levels. And I would bet that Raven is using better transformers than Decware (maybe, maybe not). So you would more than likely be fine with the Osprey.
