Rattle from Ceramic art pieces

Hanging On the rear wall about 8 feet up are 4 ceramic art pieces. Any low frequency sounds such as drums, bass cause these pieces to rattle. Any suggestions on how I could dampen this rattle. Taking down the pieces is not an option.

Showing 2 responses by fatparrot

Blue tack is better than the no name blue poster gum that David99 mentions. The no name is MUCH more sticky and gummy, and tougher to remove. Also, any chance of placing a towel or wash-cloth over the ceramics while you are listening?
David99, can you remember the name of that "no-name". The two samples that I tried were definitely more sticky, tacky, and softer than Blue Tack, especially if they were warmed up (like summer time here in Arizona!) Let me know...and thanks for your input!